all postcodes in GU52 / FLEET

find any address or company within the GU52 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU52 7JX 5 0 51.276315 -0.823384
GU52 7JY 14 0 51.272405 -0.836142
GU52 7JZ 26 0 51.272735 -0.83589
GU52 7LA 20 0 51.271832 -0.834594
GU52 7LB 32 0 51.275806 -0.828214
GU52 7LD 17 0 51.271172 -0.83507
GU52 7LE 24 0 51.270961 -0.832867
GU52 7LG 1 1 51.274317 -0.82679
GU52 7LJ 16 0 51.272982 -0.833619
GU52 7LL 25 0 51.272036 -0.831622
GU52 7LN 14 0 51.273729 -0.834532
GU52 7LP 10 0 51.273189 -0.831764
GU52 7LQ 1 1 51.274688 -0.826078
GU52 7LR 26 0 51.272406 -0.829949
GU52 7LS 20 0 51.27404 -0.829635
GU52 7LT 24 0 51.274709 -0.830923
GU52 7LU 8 0 51.275145 -0.829536
GU52 7LW 35 0 51.273946 -0.832849
GU52 7LX 8 0 51.275981 -0.830389
GU52 7LY 2 0 51.275082 -0.828775